Clásica Maquina + 5 Hojas
Clásica Maquina + 5 Hojas

Wilkinson Clásica Maquina + 5 Hojas

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Opiniones de los clientes

5/5 32 opiniones
5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrellas

Los resultados pueden variar de persona a persona. Las opiniones de los clientes son independientes y no representan los puntos de vista de Carethy.

Todas las valoraciones

Buena maquinilla a un precio estupendo.

Con esta máquina puedo sacar muy bien la forma de mi barba es maravilloso.

Llego en buen estado buen servicio de envió el embalaje fue genial.

Mi padre me lo regalo y no sabía cómo usarlo es fácil y sencillo es de buen material.

Un barbero me obsequio la máquina y me ha ido muy bien fácil de dominar la recomiendo.

Se la recomendé a mi padre y le ha ido de maravilla con esta máquina.

A buen precio lo mejor es que trae sus hojillas es muy bueno la recomiendo.

Llevo meses usando la maquina es genial las hojillas son buenas y duraderas.

Solo con comprar las hojillas y listo, es de buen material la recomiendo.

Fácil de usar hay que usarla con cuidado la recomiendo es excelente.

A la antigüedad es muy buena mejor que las afeitadoras me va fenomenal.

One of the things I like most about this machine is that it comes with its own heads and I don't have to be buying machines all the time.

I wasn't used to buying this kind of products over the internet but for the first time I did very well.

I had tried other brands and I wasn't as good as when I decided to try this one.

Cela me semble bien, il est même plus durable que les autres produits jetables

Shaving has never been so easy and practical, this has been one of the few razors that has worked more for me.

Je la trouve excellente, depuis que j'ai acheté cette machine, je n'ai acheté aucune autre marque.

C'est la machine parfaite, je n'ai jamais vraiment eu un rasoir comme ça

Mi è stato consigliato di prendermi cura della mia igiene personale e funziona molto bene per me. Penso che sia eccellente.

Quando eu uso muito bem, chego em perfeitas condições e não tive problemas com frete

Leave the shave flush and avoid the irritations and redness of the skin, I think it's great.

È eccellente perché non irrita la mia faccia durante la rasatura, è molto buona

C'est très bien, je n'ai vraiment besoin de rien d'autre, je l'aime trop

La spedizione è stata effettuata senza alcun problema, il servizio è ottimale e la macchina è abbastanza efficace.

I bought this and other products and I was surprised how quickly the shipment arrived, it was a success.


Excelente serviço e as máquinas chegaram apenas como eu pedi-los. Sem problemas.

I've been using this machine for years and I'm not really disappointed, I recommend it.

Very good value for money. It's also a bit difficult to find so it was a great relief to find it here.

The attention and service were excellent. Not only did I buy these machines, I bought several other things and everything came to me fast and in perfect condition.

This is undoubtedly one of the best razors I have used for a long time.

Eu gosto muito dessa máquina, eu a usei algumas vezes e não é ruim

Clásica Maquina + 5 Hojas

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