Toallitas Caja de 60 Unidades
Toallitas Caja de 60 Unidades

Kandoo Toallitas Caja de 60 Unidades

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  • 60 Unidades Agotado Avísame

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Opiniones de los clientes

5/5 14 opiniones
5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrellas

Los resultados pueden variar de persona a persona. Las opiniones de los clientes son independientes y no representan los puntos de vista de Carethy.

Todas las valoraciones

Son unas toallitas super frescas y húmedas y suaves sobre la piel del bebé. Me gustó mucho la atención

Están muy bien dobladas, buena cantidad de humedad. Son perfectas.

Todo genial son muy buenas las recomiendo, lo mejor es que no irrita la piel y su aroma es fantástico.

Es genial estas toallitas me fascinan su aroma es fantástico dura mucho su olor.

The texture is soft and moist and the aroma is incredible. I love these wipes.

These wipes have a good amount of moisture that leads to an efficient cleaning, it is very well folded.

These towels are the best care my baby's skin does not give any kind of reaction on the skin, its aroma is fantastic.

The attention was quick and smooth. I've never done so well shopping on the internet before.

My son is learning to go to the bathroom by himself and loves to clean himself with these wipes. It was a very good purchase.

They are sufficiently moist and clean in a good way, the skin does not dry after using the washcloth.

I have been using these wipes for my daughter for a long time and I love the quality of the product.

I love these wipes. The design and texture are so great. They are very moist and perfect for sensitive skin.

I love the durability that these wipes have. The smell is pleasant and the quality is unmatched. I am very happy with the purchase.

Great wipes don't irritate my baby's skin, fresh, very mild scent.

Toallitas Caja de 60 Unidades

Tu valoración

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